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Breathing (and ice) in nature

Leave the worries of the day behind, clear your head completely and find deep relaxation during a breathing session.
An experienced breath coach will introduce you to the power of the breath. Go on an ‘inner journey’, where you can completely relax and reconnect with nature, yourself and each other.
A true gift for yourself and your loved one to recharge and truly reconnect with each other in your own ANNA.

During the winter months from November to March, you have the opportunity to experience the positive effects of breath combined with the cold. A boost for your immune system! During the breathing & ice workshop, you will discover how your breathing affects you. And you will learn how to consciously use various breathing techniques to give you more energy or help you relax (even in uncomfortable situations, such as in ice). You can immediately put what you have learned into practice, because the workshop ends with an ice-cold dip in the pond. A challenge you don’t want to miss!

When on request

individual: 1 hour

duo: 1,5 hours


individual: €95

duo: €150

Location in your ANNA cabin


This workshop is suitable for anyone aged 18 and over who is healthy in mind and body.*

All necessary materials will be provided. The activity will start in the living room. And afterwards, while enjoying a hot cup of tea or coffee, there will be an opportunity to chat.

* There are a few contraindications where it is not advisable to be exposed to extreme cold. This is during pregnancy, epilepsy, secondary form of Raynaud's. Participation is then excluded.

Consult with your GP whether you can do cold training in the case of cardiovascular diseases, poorly controlled high blood pressure, kidney failure, migraine, severe asthma, COPD or after a recent operation or if you are unsure whether cold is good for you.

In order to participate in the activity, you will be asked to complete a health declaration and deductible form in advance.